Board of Sponsors

At the Humboldt Library Foundation (HLF) we bring supporters together who believe in the mission of the public library and the role it plays in strengthening our community.

Becoming a member of our Board of Sponsors is a unique opportunity to pledge your support. Your annual contribution helps us strengthen and enrich the programs and services the library has to offer. As a member of the Board of Sponsors, your name will be featured on our letterhead, our newsletter and website and we will make sure you know about upcoming special events.

Help celebrate the richness of the public library – the wealth of ideas and dreams it represents.

Join today: Sustaining Member $150; Library Advocate $300; President’s Circle $500; Founder $1,000; Platinum Founder $5,000.


2024 Board of Sponsors

Platinum Founder

  • Verne & Nancy Frost
  • Michele McKeegan & Ed Olsgard
  • Kusum Stokes
  • Jeff & Lynne Todoroff
  • Vis Upatisringa


  • Alicia & Dave Abell
  • Mike & Leslie Anderson
  • Jane Callahan & Kevin Westbrook
  • Charles and Anna M. Pedrazzini Private Charitable Foundation
  • Terri Clark & Marty Lay
  • David & Penny Eckert
  • Sharon K. Ferrett & Sam Pennisi
  • Maggie Fleming & Bret Harvey
  • Barbara Groom
  • Susan Hansen
  • Judith Hinman
  • Dennis Mello
  • Susan O’Connor & Tim Crlenjak
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company
  • Pierson Building Center
  • Birgitta Portalupi
  • Sherman Schapiro
  • Vintage BMW House

President’s Circle

  • Greg & DJ Anderson
  • Barnum Timber Co.
  • JoAnn Bauer
  • Cindy & Wesley Chesbro
  • Laura Clark
  • Thomas J. Clark
  • Drs. Luther Cobb & Ellen Mahoney
  • Creative Sustainability Fund
  • James Elferdink & Joy Hardin
  • Julie Fulkerson & Lynn Evans
  • Mary Gelinas & Roger James
  • William Greenwood & Marty Carlson
  • Allan Katz
  • Raymond Lacy II, DDS
  • Rollie Lamberson & Michele Olsen
  • Mary Lou & Allan Lowry
  • Todd McMahon – NCRM, Inc.
  • Mercer-Fraser Company
  • Robert & Jane Micks
  • Elizabeth Murguia
  • Nancy Noll
  • Carrie Peyton-Dahlberg
  • Beth Powell
  • Frances Rapin
  • Howard & Rebecca Stauffer
  • Judith Stoffer
  • Alison Talbott
  • Judy Webb

Library Advocate

  • Barbara Barratt
  • Kennith & Shirley Bay
  • John & Judy Bennett
  • Sally Biggin
  • Pam Cavanagh
  • Patrick Cleary & Cat Koshkin
  • Genia Garibaldi
  • Brenda & Zuretti Goosby
  • Mark & Anne Harris
  • Dan & Donna Hauser
  • Rusty Hicks
  • Humboldt Redwood Company
  • Jack & Peggy Irvine
  • Fred & Martha Johansen
  • Jana Kirk-Levine & Eric Kirk
  • Diane Korsower & Darius Brotman
  • Jeff & Sharon Lamoree
  • Mary Lou Lange
  • Peter & Nancy LaVallee
  • Nancy Lengyel
  • John & Jackie McBeth
  • Mary Meengs
  • Murphy Meadows
  • Jeanne Nicolds
  • Neil Palmer & Janelle Egger
  • Dale Preston & Kay Sennott
  • Carol Rische
  • Marilyn Rudzik
  • Jean Santi
  • Leslie & Bruce Silvey
  • Robert Taborski
  • Joan & Michael Williams
  • Robert & Patricia Ywaski

Sustaining Member

  • Jim & Kay Able
  • Eric & Mary Almquist
  • Mark & Melinda Bailey
  • Jeannemarie Baker & Dale Warmuth
  • Jessica Bansen
  • Chris & Richard Beresford
  • John & Pat Biteman
  • Arlene Broyles
  • Karen Childers
  • Jim & Donna Clark
  • Renee & Patrick Cloney
  • Joe Collins
  • Carol & Greg Conners
  • Roy E. Corsetti, CPA
  • Jay Davis
  • Duke Diehl
  • Deborah Dukes
  • Joan Edwards & Andrew Hooper
  • Karole Ely
  • Kim Ervin MD & Tony Curtis
  • Jackee & Larry Ford
  • Corinne Frugoni
  • Bob & Mary Gearheart
  • Robert Gish & Joan Rainwater-Gish
  • Valerie Hall
  • Harper Motors
  • Arlene Hartin
  • Debra Hartridge & Ira Blatt
  • Shelley Holstein
  • Rees Hughes & Amy Uyeki
  • Humboldt Mortgage – Robert Lawton
  • Laura Hussey
  • Roz Keller
  • Sharmon & Peter Kenyon
  • Tom & Maria Krenek
  • Theresa Kruger
  • Jeannette Lackett
  • Katherine & Richard LaForge
  • Sue Y. Lee & Archie Mossman
  • Connie Lefever
  • Bob Libershal
  • Ann Lindsay
  • Byrd Lochtie
  • Linda Lorvig
  • Tina Mckenzie & Norman Polston
  • Theresa Malloy
  • Willa & Henry Mauro
  • David & Judith McGinty
  • Bonnie Messinger
  • Roger & Connie Miller
  • Mike & Jane Minor
  • Judy Nelson
  • Jeff & Tami Northern
  • Peter Pennekamp & Denise Vanden Bos
  • Stanton & Anita Reynolds
  • Mary L. Romaidis
  • Bob Rottenberg & Suzanne Kimmel
  • Virginia Rowen
  • Richard Sanborn & Calista Sullivan
  • Jeanne Sapunor & Ralph Davis
  • Erich Franz Schimps
  • Russell Shaddix
  • Kathryn Shaini
  • Harold Smith
  • Penny & Wayne Sohrakoff
  • Dale & Cindy Stockly
  • Jack Stoob
  • Stephen Strawn
  • Karen & Ken Suiker
  • Woody & Patsy Svarvari
  • Judi & Neil Tarpey
  • Sara Traphagen & Dave Duda
  • Kirsten Trump
  • Watson Law Office
  • Sharon Welton
  • Sandra & Bill Weyer
  • Richard & Susan Whaley
  • Ken & Ronda Wittenberg
  • John Woolley
  • Thomas Wrigley

Click on the Donate button at the top of the page to join the HLF Board of Sponsors.