The HLF Legacy Circle comprises a special group of individuals who have remembered the Humboldt Library Foundation in their will or estate planning. Their gift will grow the HLF Endowment Fund, a long-term strategy to provide funding for the library in perpetuity.
HLF Legacy Circle members have made an abiding commitment to the public library because they value its mission and the promise it holds for every person now and into the future. The elements are timeless and continue to inspire and make the public library a foundation of our nation’s democratic ideals.
If you are considering such a gift, here are a few ways in which our donors have included the HLF in their plans
- Specified in their will/trust a percentage of their estate to go to the Humboldt Library Foundation
- Set aside a specific dollar amount in their will to go to HLF
- Named the Humboldt Library Foundation as a 10% beneficiary on an IRA
- Named HLF as a beneficiary on shares of stock
- Established a charitable remainder trust and named the Humboldt Library Foundation as one of the beneficiaries
If you are considering estate planning and wondering how you can continue to benefit the community in a lasting way, remember the Humboldt Library Foundation. Our purpose is to complement, but not supplant, Humboldt County’s responsibility for funding the public library’s operations.
HLF Legacy Circle
- Tom & Roberta Allen
- Judy & Jim Anderson
- Jon Michael Asmundson
- Barbara Barratt
- Mona Beaver
- Patty Berg
- Norma Bohrer
- Kathrin Burleson
- Gladys Burritt
- Pam Cavanagh
- Karen Childers
- Marge & Max Custis
- Sandra Corcoran
- Jud Ellinwood & Anda Webb
- Nancy Frost
- Genia Garibaldi
- Bill & Grace Greenwood
- Susan Hansen
- Catherine Hart
- Judith Hinman
- Thelma & Ted Ingebritson
- Connie Kaiser
- Allan Katz
- Tom & Judy Klapproth
- Jeannette Lackett
- Peter & Nancy LaVallee
- Leslie Lollich
- Barbara & Joseph MacTurk
- Dennis & Satoko McCarn
- John & Sara Moore
- Kenzie & Michael Mullen
- Elizabeth Murguia
- Ed Olsgard & Michele McKeegan
- Wynona Nash
- Bruce Neidorf
- Susan O’Connor
- Birgitta Portalupi
- Mary E. Mckendrick (Beth) Powell
- Jerry & Gisela Rohde
- Kelly & Neal Sanders
- Richard Stanewick
- Jane Stein
- Angus & Joan Stewart
- Judith Stoffer
- Alison & Scott Talbott
- Sara Traphagen
- Vis & Sally Upatisringa
- Valera Vierra
- Edward & Judy Webb
- Raymond & Pauline Wickel
- Donna Wildearth

The HLF Board has been challenged by long-time supporters Ed Olsgard and Michele McKeegan. For every new Legacy Circle member added during this calendar year, Ed and Michele will make a $500 contribution. So please consider today – your planning will have an immediate, and long-term, effect on our ability to provide support to the public library.
Print this form to join the HLF Legacy Circle.