(Hover your mouse over a slide to pause it temporarily.)
HLF 2024 GALA: Record-Breaking SUCCESS!
We are starting 2025 with gratitude and motivation. In December our annual holiday gala was an epic success! We broke fundraising and attendance records with 255 attendees, reaching over $110,000 overall! We watched in awe as our community rallied around the core principle of the library as a bedrock of civil society.
We’re so very grateful to our auctioneer, Senator Mike McGuire who led the crowd to new heights of giving, raising $30,000 for the Buy a Book campaign, in Honor of HLF Co-Founder and Past President, Elizabeth Murguia. We thank all of the evening’s supporters and volunteers, and especially our presenting sponsor, Canopy/RWE.
And to all of the wonderful patrons who came out to celebrate and ensure the vitality of Humboldt County’s libraries, THANK YOU.
2023 Gala Patrons:
- Verne & Nancy Frost
- Michele McKeegan & Ed Olsgard
- Zhao Ellis Parks
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- Kusum Stokes

- Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation & Sponsored Programs Foundation
- Maggie Fleming
- Richard & Suzanne Hendry
- Recology Humboldt County

- Cindy & Wesley Chesbro
- Susan O’Connor
- Pierson Building Center
- Providence Humboldt County
- Redwood Capital Bank

- JoAnn Bauer
- Eureka Books
- William Greenwood & Marty Carlson
- Susan Hansen
- Hubbard’s German Auto, Inc.
- Kathy & Dick Laforge
- Mary Lou & Alan Lowry
- Elizabeth Murguia
- TriCounties Bank

- Mary Ann Bansen
- Michelle & David Bushnell
- Juan Pablo Cervantes
- Jim & Donna Clark
- Bob & Mary Gearheart
- Mary Gelinas and Roger James
- Hal & Margot Genger
- Lori Goodman
- Zuretti & Brenda Goosby
- Dan & Donna Hauser
- Representative Jared Huffman
- Jack & Peggy Irvine
- Martha & Fred Johansen
- Kel Karges
- Mel & Holly Kreb
- Peter & Nancy LaVallee
- Thomas Mays
- Mike & Jane Minor
- Julie Ohnemus
- Sofie Pereira
- Frances Rapin
- Sherman Schapiro & Eva Janson
- Penny & Wayne Sohrakoff
- Jeff & Lynn Todoroff
- Sara Traphagen & Dave Duda
- Anda Webb & Jud Ellinwood
- Assemblymember Jim Wood

- Steve Allen
- Judy Anderson
- Julie Angles
- Patricia Bitton
- Pam Cahill
- Jane Callahan
- Pam Cavanagh
- Greg & Carol Conners
- Christopher Cooper
- James & Paulette Crowell
- Cindy Denbo
- Kay Escarda
- Alexander Farrell
- Marjorie Fay
- David Frank
- Edith & Ron Fritzsche
- Karen Gibb
- Chris Hamer
- Margaret Hamnett & Richard Golebiowski
- Mark & Anne Harris
- Debra Hartridge & Ira Blatt
- Arlene Hartin
- Laura Hussey
- James & Marie Johnson
- Jeannette Lackett
- Bob Lawton, Humboldt Mortgage
- Nancy Lengyel
- Linda Lorvig
- Susan Diehl McCarthy
- Theresa Malloy
- Willa & Hanry Mauro
- Mary Meengs
- Dennis Mello
- Bonnie Messinger
- Laura Middlemiss
- Judy Nelson
- Carolyn Oilar
- Felicia Oldfather
- Brooks & Carolyn Otis
- Milton Phegley
- Norman Polston & Tina Mackenzie
- Beth Powell
- Bob Rottenberg & Suzanne Kimmel
- Emily Rowe
- Jean Santi
- John Schafer
- Laura Strohm & Haven Rich
- Deborah Storre
- Alison Talbott
- Andrea Tuttle
- Viz Upatisringa
- Denise Vanden Bos & Peter Pennekamp
- Theodore Van Duzer
- Nezzie Wade
- Sandra Weyer
- Joan Williams
- John Woolley