Your planned gift to the Humboldt Library Foundation allows you to direct your resources in a way that reflects your values. It can make a meaningful difference now and in the future. There are many different ways in which you can designate the Humboldt Library Foundation in your will and or estate plans.
Your planning now will make a difference in our community for generations to come.
Here are a few of the ways in which you can include HLF in your planned giving:
- Make a bequest of a specific amount or percentage of your estate in your will or trust
- Name HLF as a beneficiary (whole or partial) on your IRA or employment retirement plan
- Name HLF as a beneficiary on your bank account, shares of stock, bonds, life insurance, or other financial assets
- Donate appreciated stock or real estate to HLF. If you would like to donate stock or real estate please call our office at 269-1991 or the Humboldt Area Foundation at 707-442-2993 for instructions
To support the Humboldt Library Foundation Endowment Fund with a Planned Gift consult your Tax Advisor and other professionals.
Just as they have done since 2011, Michele McKeegan and Ed Olsgard will pledge a donation of $500 for every new donor who makes a planned gift. Please consider joining the HLF Legacy Circle this year.